The Arc Blog

John Eldevik on Reading Prester John

1. So who was Prester John? Why is he important?  Prester John (from the Latin for priest, presbyter) was the name of a mythical ruler of a great Christian empire in India… READ MORE

Cinderella make room for Clarmondine

8888 Love Wins Drive Knoxville, Tennessee                                     Land Line: 555-555-5555                                     Cell: 777-777-7777 The Kenneth Branagh Company Twinckenham Film Studios The Barons London TW1 2AW UK Dear Sir Kenneth: After recently being… READ MORE

Ophira Gamliel on Malabar Jews

It is with a sense of discomfort that I write about my new book, as the shadows of unspeakable violence are cast over my homeland Israel/Palestine. The book deals with… READ MORE

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