September 7, 2016
All across the country, universities are resuming classes. How exciting! One of the toughest things about formulating a new class is working up the syllabus. Every teacher wants to bring… READ MORE
May 11, 2016
This is a useful addition to recent literature on eschatological writing in the first millennium. In 2011 William Weinrich published translations of some of the most important commentaries on Revelation,… READ MORE
February 24, 2016
Goode Friendes and Readers of Arc Blog, Yt doth fill my litel herte wyth gret happinesse to invyte yow to the thirde yeare of a moost blisful and plesinge celebracioun…. READ MORE
February 8, 2016
Middle English Text Series (METS), located in Rochester, NY, produces many wonderful editions of Middle English works, which can be found on their website here. We, Medieval Institute Publications, publish these… READ MORE
September 1, 2015
Tom Lucking, a 23-year-old undergraduate student of Landscape History at the University of East Anglia, stumbled upon the find of a lifetime this past December in Norfolk. While combing over… READ MORE
August 27, 2015
In November 2014, I and seventeen colleagues published a collection of essays in the inaugural issue of The Medieval Globe [fig. 1]. We sought to address a simple question: how… READ MORE
May 5, 2015
At this year’s Society for General Microbiology’s Annual Conference, researchers from the University of Nottingham presented results from tests using a modern recreation of a 10th-century cure for a stye (an… READ MORE
March 2, 2015
In October 2012, Dr. Monica Green, Professor of History at Arizona State University posted an informative commentary on the medieval medicine listserv MEDMED-L to explore the dangers that arise when… READ MORE