Middle English Text Series (METS), located in Rochester, NY, produces many wonderful editions of Middle English works, which can be found on their website here. We, Medieval Institute Publications, publish these editions, which can be found on our website here. This year, MIP and METS are teaming up for the Countdown to April 1st! April 1st, a.k.a. “Whanne that Aprille day,” when scholars and connoisseurs will gather to celebrate dead languages, including our favorite Middle English. This countdown was started by Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog (now active as Chaucer doth Tweet), and you can read more about that here! During this year’s countdown, we plan to offer exciting posts, polls, trivia, giveaways, and release exclusive content! All of this will happen on Twitter and Facebook — where all the excitement happens!
In the first week, we will have a showdown between two champions of Middle English literature: Geoffrey Chaucer and John Gower. METS will defend Gower as we, MIP, will stand by the one and only Chaucer. As the weeks progress, we will have some theme weeks. Here is a list of those weeks:
Week 2 (Feb 21): Women writers and editors
Week 4 (March 7): Pedagogy
Week 6 (March 21): Easter
Please, be a part of the action on social media with us! You can join the conversation with the hashtag: #METS41