Author: mjohnson

John Eldevik on Reading Prester John

1. So who was Prester John? Why is he important?  Prester John (from the Latin for priest, presbyter) was the name of a mythical ruler of a great Christian empire in India… READ MORE

Cinderella make room for Clarmondine

8888 Love Wins Drive Knoxville, Tennessee                                     Land Line: 555-555-5555                                     Cell: 777-777-7777 The Kenneth Branagh Company Twinckenham Film Studios The Barons London TW1 2AW UK Dear Sir Kenneth: After recently being… READ MORE

Ophira Gamliel on Malabar Jews

It is with a sense of discomfort that I write about my new book, as the shadows of unspeakable violence are cast over my homeland Israel/Palestine. The book deals with… READ MORE

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