Submission Information For The Medieval Globe

Please read the guidance below first. Then, submit your article to the Editor at [email protected]. Thank you.

Aims and Scope

The Medieval Globe provides an interdisciplinary forum for scholars of all world areas by focusing on convergence, movement, and interdependence. Contributions to a global understanding of the medieval period need not encompass the globe in any territorial sense. Rather, TMG advances a new theory and praxis of medieval studies by bringing into view phenomena that have been rendered practically or conceptually invisible by anachronistic boundaries, categories, and expectations: these include polities, networks, affinity groups, artistic influences, identities, bodies of knowledge, faiths, and forms of association. TMG also broadens discussion of the ways that medieval processes inform the global present and shape visions of the future.

In addition to being geographically and conceptually capacious, TMG’s purview is temporally open-ended. Although many contributing authors will focus on the era from ca. 200 to ca. 1500 CE, others are encouraged to probe manifestations of the medieval globe that may not fit into this time-frame. TMG is also committed to supporting innovative, collaborative work in a variety of genres: full-length articles, scholarly dialogues, multi-authored discussions of critical problems, editions or translations of source materials, and other creative formats. The common denominator among articles accepted for publication will be their authors’ willingness to explore points of contact and forms of mobility (potential or actual), trace trajectories and currents, address topics of broad scholarly interest, or model portable methodologies.

The Medieval Globe is published biannually both online and in print. Thematic issues alternate with volumes of selected articles submitted for consideration on a rolling basis. Future thematic issues might address such topics as: pilgrimage, diasporas, race and racializing technologies, maritime cultures and ports-of-call, piracy and crime, knowledge networks, markets and consumerism, entertainment, spoils and spolia, global localities, comparative cosmographies, sites of translation and acculturation, slavery and social mobility.

TMG‘s Editorial Board encourages innovative and collaborative work in a variety of academic genres, including full-length articles, scholarly dialogues, multi-authored discussions, review essays, and editions or translations of source materials.

Please note that TMG will not publish individual book reviews, but it will consider—and occasionally commission—-review essays.  If you would like to bring a recent publication to our attention, or if you are interested in reviewing recent work in a relevant field, do contact the editors. We also welcome suggestions for future themed issues.


Who Can Submit?

Anyone may submit an original article to be considered for publication in The Medieval Globe, provided that he or she owns the copyright to the work being submitted or is authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the article. Authors are the initial owners of the copyrights to their works (an exception in the non-academic world to this might exist if the authors have, as a condition of employment, agreed to transfer copyright to their employer).

General Submission Rules

Submitted articles cannot have been previously published, nor be forthcoming in an archival journal or book (print or electronic). Please note: “publication” in a working-paper series does not constitute prior publication. In addition, by submitting material to The Medieval Globe, the author is stipulating that the material is not currently under review at another journal (electronic or print) and that he or she will not submit the material to another journal (electronic or print) until the completion of the editorial decision process at The Medieval Globe. If you have concerns about the submission terms for The Medieval Globe, please contact the editors.

Formatting Requirements

The Medieval Globe has no general rules about the formatting of articles upon initial submission. There are, however, rules governing the formatting of the final submission. See below for details.

Guidelines for Authors

Preparing Your Manuscript

• To submit an article and for instructions on preparing your manuscript, please contact the editors. Given our commitment to publishing different genres of scholarship, there is no mandatory word limit; however, authors who intend to submit studies that are substantially longer or shorter than 8,000 words (excluding notes, tables, and charts)—or authors wish to attempt an unusually creative approach to a problem—are invited and encouraged to contact the executive editor in advance, to discuss the development of their ideas.
•  Please note that manuscripts being considered for publication by another journal or press are not acceptable.
•  When preparing your manuscript, please adhere to the guidelines set forth in the Chicago Manual of Style and the guidelines on formatting a submission below.
•  Authors who intend to include images in their work should be aware that permission to publish copyrighted material must be duly obtained from copyright holders prior to publication.

The Review Process

Authors will receive timely confirmation that their submissions have been received, and will be notified at various stages of the review process.

All manuscripts will be reviewed by the executive editor. Those that meet TMG‘s scholarly criteria will then be read and evaluated by members of the editorial board and by selected expert readers in the author’s field.

TMG has adopted a single-blind policy for members of the Editorial Board and a double-blind policy for outside readers.  (Some members of the Board may request that the identity of authors not be divulged during the evaluation process.)

Formatting of the Submission

This document provides details on typesetting and layout requirements pertaining to final manuscript submission to The Medieval Globe. Presentation should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style and any other specifications required by the press.

  • Essays accepted and submitted for publication should have minimal manual formatting throughout. It is especially important not to insert additional hard returns between bibliography entries. Essays—text and footnotes—should be formatted in Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced.
  • Submit your manuscript, including tables, figures, appendices, etc., as a single Word file .
  • Page size should be 8.5 x 11-inches or A4 size.
  • If figures are included, use high-resolution figures, preferably encoded as encapsulated PostScript (eps).

Technical Terms

A technical term is defined as a word not found in Merriam–Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary or a multiword phrase, excluding titles and proper nouns.

All technical terms from languages other than English should be italicized. Those from languages in non-Roman alphabets must be italicized and fully transliterated with diacritical marks.

Words that are found in Merriam–Webster’s will be spelled as they appear there and not treated as technical terms. They should have no diacritics, nor should they be italicized.

Transliteration of Languages Other Than English

The Medieval Globe is committed to reproducing quotations from original languages in their own scripts.

When citing transliterated words, phrases, proper names, and titles from languages not rendered in Roman script, we will follow policies that accord with standard practices in relevant fields. In the case of languages using the Roman alphabet augmented with diacriticals or special characters (for example French, Polish, Anglo-Saxon), these markings will be maintained.

  • Arabic: following the policy of the International Journal of Middle East Studies, non-technical terms (see above)—for example, mufti, jihad, shaykh—should not be italicized or carry diacritics, with certain exceptions that preserve‘ayn and hamza: Qur’an, shari‘a, ‘ulama’. Diacritics should not be added to personal names, place names, the names of political parties, or titles of books and articles; however, ‘ayn and hamza should be preserved in all these cases, and should be clearly distinguished from one another.
  • HebrewTMG follows ISO 259 guidelines for Romanization.
  • Ge’ezTMG follows the conventional system used by the Journal of Ethiopian Studies..
  • JapaneseTMG uses the Revised Hepburn system.

Citation Style

TMG uses the Chicago Manual of Style format for footnotes and bibliographies, but not the Author-Date variant permitted by the Chicago Manual. Works cited in footnotes should give only the author, short title, and relevant page, verse, and/or chapter numbers. Full information will be provided in the bibliography.

Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the page on which they are referenced rather than at the end of the paper. Footnote numbers should follow, rather than precede, punctuation.

Bibliography is provided at the end of the article. It may be divided into sections if the editor and author agree that this is advantageous. There should be no additional spacing (hard returns) between bibliography entries.

Bibliographical information must be full and complete, including information on editor(s) and translator(s), where relevant, date and place of publication, number of volumes (where applicable), unique url and date of access for online sources, and so forth. Please consult the Chicago Manual of Style further.


Author’s Biography: Each author should supply a brief (100-word) academic biography, including a contact e-mail address.
Abstract and Keywords: Authors should supply a 50-word abstract and up to ten keywords (to facilitate online searches and tagging).