Author: mjohnson

February 7, 2017

MIP-Arc Humanities Press will be represented at many conferences over the next few months. Come and meet Theresa Whitaker at the ANZAMEMS conference (Wellington, NZ) next week, Erika Gaffney at… READ MORE

Elizabeth Melick on Unusual Giants

“Now bigin ichil…” (Of Unusual Giants) He hadde tuenti men strengthe, And fourti fet of lengthe, Thilke panim hede, And four fet in the face, Ymeten in the place, And… READ MORE

Preparing for the Publisher Meetings

This past year, I’ve had the pleasure of attending several conferences, each with their different flavors: the 22nd Annual ACMRS Conference in Scottsdale, AZ; the Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy in Boston; the Association… READ MORE

Guide for Authors on Blog Writing

We would like to feature your book on the MIP-Arc blog, and would be delighted if you can provide a short text (between 500 and 1000 words) which we could… READ MORE

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