List of Illustrations
Introduction: “Introducing Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Sources: A Statement of Purpose,” by Graham Barrett and Louise J. Wilkinson
Part I: Textual Strategies in Late Antiquity
Chapter 1: “Problematic Clergymen, Pointed Ceremonials, and Imperial Anxieties: Justin I’s Letter to Hypatius (ACO4.1:199–200) Reconsidered,” by Michael Wuk
Chapter 2: “Succession Crises in Sixth-Century Iberia: Dead Bishops, Greedy Clerics, and the Council of Valencia in 546,” by Marta Szada and Jamie Wood
Chapter 3: “The Scholion on Dionysios of Thrace and the Origins of the Greek Alphabet,” by Giustina Monti
Part II: Records and the Practice of Power
Chapter 4: “Protecting the Mauduit Patrimony: Suits and Disputes in Thirteenth-Century Rutland,” by Robert Portass
Chapter 5: “The Charters, Letters, and Seal of Lady Nicholaa de la Haye (d. 1230), Lord, Castellan, and Sheriff,” by Louise J. Wilkinson
Chapter 6: “Dei gratia Ierosolimorum regina: Articulating the Proprietary Queen of Jerusalem’s Rulership in Solemn Royal Documents,” by Anaïs Waag
Part III: Behind and Beyond the Written
Chapter 7: “Ordeal by Innocents: The Law and Liturgy of Trial by Water in Early Medieval Iberia,” by Graham Barrett
Chapter 8: “A Now-Lost Fourteenth-Century Aisled Base-Cruck Building at Ketsby House Farm, Lincolnshire, and its Context,” by Mark Gardiner and Jenne Pape
Chapter 9: “I am Sailing: A Brief Catalogue of Mayflower Materials in Lincoln Cathedral’s Wren Library,” Anna Marie Roos