List of Illustrations
"Introduction," by Birte Kristiansen and Petra M. Sijpesteijn
“'The Caliph Calls You to the Book of God': Writing to Rebels in the Early Islamic Period," by Hannah-Lena Hagemann
"'Maintaining Friendship and Commercial Relations in Eighth-Century Egypt': Three Letters from Abū Yūsuf to Abū Yazīd," by Petra M. Sijpesteijn
"Between Practical Petitioning and Divine Intervention: Entreaties to the Shiʿi Imams in the Ninth Century CE," by Edmund Hayes
"Forging Historical and Diplomatic Ties in the Islamic West: The Letter of a Berber Emir to the Umayyad Caliph, 317 AH (929 CE)," by Aurélien Montel
"Asking for a Friend: Travel Requests and Social Relations in Umayyad Egypt," by Cecilia Palombo and Eline Scheerlink
"Gender and the Art of Asking: Letters of Request to Distinguished Women Preserved in the Cairo Geniza," by Oded Zinger
"Hidden Private Entreaties behind Two Public Steles from the Mid-Tang Dynasty," by Jialong Liu
"Ghostwriting and Patronage-Seeking Letters in Song Dynasty China, 960–1279," by Beverly Bossler
"Beyond Epistolary Standards? The Language of Entreaty in Political and Diplomatic Communications from Thirteenth-Century Iberia," by Antonella Liuzzo Scorpo
"Supplication, Authority, Militancy: Request Strategies in Late Medieval Princely Women’s Letters from Burgundy," by Margreet Brandsma