"Introduction," by Joel Rosenthal and Virginia Blanton
"The Development of Constantinian Themes and Their Manifestation in Writings and Coinages of Early England," by Robert Schichler
"Echo and Icon: Life in Stone at Bewcastle, Cumbria," by Catherine E. Karkov
"Jerome of Strido at Chelles: The Legacy of Quedlinburg Codex 74," by Helene Scheck
"Revisiting the Maaseik Zoomorphic Embroideries," by Gale R. Owen-Crocker
"The Old English Version of Alexander’s Letter to Aristoteles and its Use of Binomials," by Hans Sauert
"Agency and Obedience: The Afterlife of St. Swithun in Anglo-Saxon England," by Rhonda L. McDaniel
"B. and the Vita Harlindis et Renulae," by Rosalind Love
"Wheelock’s Bede and Its Supplementary Materials: Goals and Methods," by Timothy Graham