Introduction: Hannah M. Bailey, Karl Kinsella, and Daniel Thomas, "Architectural Representation in Medieval Textual and Material Culture"
Chapter 1: Robert Bork, "Designing the Regensburg Spire and Harburg Tabernacle: The Geometries of Two Great German Gothic Drawings"
Chapter 2: Conor O’Brien, "Wilfrid’s Restoration of the Church at York and the Permanence of Sacred Buildings in Post-Conversion Northumbria"
Chapter 3: Shannon Godlove, "Heaven-Roofs and Holy Altars: Envisioning a Seventh-Century English Church in Aldhelm’s Carmina Ecclesiastica III"
Chapter 4: Brendan O’Connell, "'Beaten Down and Built Anew': Saint Erkenwald and Old St. Paul’s"
Chapter 5: Scott Stull, Michael Twomey, and Michael Rogers, "Castle Viewscapes in Literature and Landscapes"
Chapter 6: Anastasia Moskvina, "Architectural Alignment in Early Medieval English Settlements: Zoning, Meaning and Function"
Chapter 7: Philippa Byrne, "Underneath the Arches: Peter of Eboli and the Orderly Architecture of Norman Sicily"
Chapter 8: Christiania Whitehead, "Reading the Saint’s Church—a Northern Perspective."