Chapter 1: "War and Peoplehood in the Middle Ages: An Introduction," by Yannis Stouraitis
Chapter 2: "War and Peoplehood through Time: A Sociological Longue Durée Perspective," by Siniša Malešević
Chapter 3: "Making War Ethnic: Identity and Conflict on the Arabian-Mesopotamian Frontier," by Peter Webb
Chapter 4: "Captive Identities: Inscribing Armenianness from Sebēos to Ayrivanec‘i," by Sergio La Porta
Chapter 5: "War and Identity in Early Medieval Bulgaria," by Panos Sophoulis
Chapter 6: "Collective Identifications in Byzantine Civil Wars," by Yannis Stouraitis
Chapter 7: "Warfare and Peoplehood: The Vikings and the English," by Clare Downham
Chapter 8: "Medieval European Civil Wars, Local and Proto-National Identities of Toulousains, Czechs in Prague, and Parisians," by Philippe Buc
Chapter 9: "The Crusades and French Political Identity in the Thirteenth-Century Mediterranean," by Gregory E. M. Lippiatt
Chapter 10: "The Song-Jurchen Conflict in Chinese Intellectual History," by Shao-yun Yang
Chapter 11: "Faithful to a Vanishing Past: Narrating Warfare and Peoplehood in Yuan China," by Francesca Fiaschetti
Chapter 12: "War and Collective Identifications in Medieval Societies: Drawing Comparisons," by Yannis Stouraitis
Selected Bibliography